Short answer: NOOOOOO!
Don't do it.
Step away from the wax, don't touch it, don't pick it up, don't smell it, and whatever you do don't put it in your hair!
Don't do anything but make candles with it.
Okay? Got it?
Why? You ask.
Long answer: Wax will coat your hair and actually make the dreading process longer.
Yep thats right, I said it.
But Island Mamma it can't be so, the wax will help my dreads grow, the wax company told me so!
They lied.
They are a company there to make money.
They bought into a lie too and are now trying to sell it to you.
Hair needs to knot and loop onto each other to form dreadlocks.
Wax is a coating that will prevent the hair cuticles from grabbing onto each other.
So basically you glue your hair together, creating the illusion of a dreadlock and the dreads form above the waxed area from the roots down. What results is a heavy, sticky mass, that collects dirt and traps water.
you eventually will have ot cut them off because they will be too heavy and stiff.
It's totally unnecessary and dirty.
Wax, being sticky, traps and holds dirt, fluffs, scents and water. Yuck!
Thats where the stinky dready stereotype comes from.
Some poor soul was suckered into using wax and made themselves some moldy, stiff candle stick locks, goes around and people smell them and viola, they think all dreadlocks are nasty.
You don't need an emulsion of oil, water and wax happing in you locks.
Oil turns rancid and rank if trapped and water turns to mold.
All things you do not want in your locks.